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Research Project at Keio Innovation Foundry (KIF) as one of Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology 75th Anniversary Commemorative Project.

Chemicals Group Exhibit Zone

From medicines and cosmetics to batteries and performance materials, our prosperous lives are supported by the power of chemicals. The chemicals group exhibit will highlight the diverse research being conducted by ten researchers from three fields of study, who are active in diverse stages ranging from technology development to commercialization. The diverse research includes the study of inorganic and organic compounds, polymers, and proteins. The group exhibit of this year’s KEIO TECHNO-MALL offers even more, including a guest appearance by President Kazutoshi Kobayashi of KOSÉ Corporation who will give a short presentation, making it a must-see.
<Short Presentation>
Time / 12:45-13:30  Venue / Short Presentations ①
Reaction analysis of electrochemical devices
using quartz crystal electrodes
Research AssociateSERIZAWA, Nobuyuki
Department of Applied Chemistry
The detailed analysis of electrode reactions is necessary for development of electrochemical devices. The small change in electrode mass and distribution of the electrolyte can be detected by the electrochemical measurements using quartz crystal electrodes. This study aims the measurements under the conditions which simulate practical electrochemical devices.
Dynamisms of the interface in far-from-equilibrium conditions and their applications to the technologies
in the field of cosmetic science
ProfessorASAKURA, Kouichi
Department of Applied Chemistry
Is it possible to realize the system in which an interface spontaneously starts dancing like living organisms? The answer is “Yes!”. In the process of forming interfaces in far-from-equilibrium conditions by the processes of coating, drying, and mixing, they can exhibit various dynamisms spontaneously. These phenomena are strongly correlated with technologies in the field of cosmetic science.
Polymer Coating on Substrates
under Low Temperature and Ambient Pressure
Associate Professor OAKI, Yuya
Department of Applied Chemistry
Conductive polymers with rigid main chain, such as thiophene and pyrrole derivatives, are coated on any substrates under low temperature and ambient pressure. The present methods can be applied to a variety of functional coating.
Society & Environment
New development of high-volume cyclone sampler
for evaluating adverse health effect caused by PM2.5
Associate ProfessorOKUDA, Tomoaki
Department of Applied Chemistry
Recently, atmospheric aerosols such as PM2.5 are of serious concern for human health. Physical and chemical properties of aerosols are important as they provide metrics for their adverse health effects. Here I would like to introduce recent concept to elucidate these parameters using aerosol engineering techniques such as virtual impactor and cyclone system.
Society & Environment
Measurements of electrostatic charging state and
surface area of ambient aerosol particles
for evaluating adverse health effect caused by PM2.5
Associate ProfessorOKUDA, Tomoaki
Department of Applied Chemistry
Recently, atmospheric aerosols such as PM2.5 are of serious concern for human health. Physical and chemical properties of aerosols are important as they provide metrics for their adverse health effects. Here I would like to introduce recent concept to elucidate these parameters by measuring electrostatic charging state and surface area of ambient aerosol particles.
Society & Environment
Synthesizing molecule at will - the power of organic synthesis
Research AssociateOGURA, Akihiro
Department of Applied Chemistry
Our group is chemically synthesizing complex natural products from easily available reagent. We are also developing light-mediated chemical reaction using LED.
Discovery of drug lead compounds from marine organisms
ProfessorSUENAGA, Kiyotake
Research Associate IWASAKI, Arihiro
Department of Chemistry
Some compounds produced by organisms exhibit useful biological activities, and their structures have been regarded as good motifs for the drug development. In order to discover novel drug lead compounds, we have investigated the secondary metabolites of marine organisms such as marine cyanobacteria.
Application of newly designed anionic spherical protein supramolecule
Assistant Professor KAWAKAMI, Norifumi
Department of Biosciences and Informatics
We have recently designed and produced the protein supramolecule nano-cage having 20 nm diameters with the highly anionic charged molecular surface. Owing to its shape and properties, the designed protein supramolecule behaves as nanoparticle responding to the electric field. We are now exploring the potential applications of this protein supramolecule.
Droplet-Type Microrobots Exhibiting Chemotactic Motion
Research AssociateBANNO, Taisuke
Department of Applied Chemistry
In far-from-equilibrium conditions, micrometer-sized droplets in emulsion system composed of water, oil, and surfactant exhibit self-propelled motion. Because their propelling mode can be controlled by the compositions and chemical reactions, they have potential applications as microrobots that are carriers and probes for exploring environmental or biological systems in very small space.
Design and synthesis of hybrid particles
by using nano-sized water droplets as templates
Assistant ProfessorFUKUI, Yuuka
Professor FUJIMOTO, Keiji
Department of Applied Chemistry
Nanoparticles have received much attention because of their intriguing properties. We employed nano-sized water droplets provided by phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) or water-in-oil miniemulsion for synthesis of hybrid nanoparticles and tuning of their structures and functional properties. A variety of nanoparticles could be obtained including bio-derived nanocapsules and organic-inorganic hybrid particles.
Society & Environment
Chemical Sensors and Biosensors
for Healthcare and Environmental Applications
ProfessorCITTERIO, Daniel
Assistant Professor HIRUTA, Yuki
Department of Applied Chemistry
Our laboratory works on the development of sensitive chemical sensors and biosensors for environmental and healthcare applications. Research topics include the development of functional fluorescent dyes, luminescent probes and functional nanomaterials for sensing applications. In addition, we make use of paper substrates to realize low-cost and simple chemical sensing devices.